Old Belief

Old Belief

There is no need to confuse Old Believers with Old Believers, these are unrelated phenomena. Old Believers are adherents of the old church rites that existed before the Nikon reforms of the 1650s, who broke away from the Orthodox, believers.
Old Belief is a religion before the adoption of Orthodoxy as we know it now. By and large, today's Orthodoxy is a symbiosis of two currents, Christianity and Old Belief.
The influence of the ancient Roman religion is felt in the Catholic Church, when believers worshipped statues representing various gods. In Russia, there was an Old Belief, from which so many different holidays entered our Christian life, images that became icons, temples built not according to the canons of today's church.
The topic is very sensitive and, unfortunately, worn out over the centuries, but some things have survived to our time, and we can gradually begin to restore the truth.
So, when and why were they lost, forgotten, destroyed?
Most likely, in the Nikon times, when the Orthodox Church, with the support of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter I, began the reform of the church, then the old faith was scrapped. Today we see the "winners" of that war. The evidence of those times tells us that the Gentiles were burned, and they went to this burning with honor. Agree that the breadwinner, on whose support there was a large family, would not go to the bonfire for which way to conduct the procession or how many fingers to cross with two or three. Why did people go deep into the forest with their families, and the taiga to save the lives of their family? an example is the Lukin family. Most likely, the differences with the new religion were much deeper. And the laws were very harsh: decades of hard labor for blasphemy against the church and even for hiding information.
The second thing to pay attention to is the destruction of icons. If you look at the icons of the Old Believers, you will not notice any difference with today's ones.Yes, everywhere there we see the two-fold blessing of both Jesus and all the other saints. Then why was it necessary to destroy totally old icons? Along with the icons, a huge number of books were burned, wasn't it easier to just bring new books, and remove the old ones from everyday use. This question requires a more thorough study of old books to see the truth, and here we need the help of specialists.

There is no need to worry. Any believer knows that everything happens according to the will of God, and justice will prevail, everything that should happen will happen.
Let's learn today what was valuable in that religion that will help us live today.
Interesting artifacts of that religion from the family archive were presented today by Vyacheslav Kulanov.
So we'll find out. The religion was called Chrestoninstvo, where Chresto - bear (bear your cross) male - female, yin - yang, Stem - with the Creator. All the letters of our alphabet were divided into yin-yang, and each letter had its own image. There were images of both the days of the week and each month, which coincided with the constellations of the zodiac. Each Epiphany had its own image.
Epiphany was understood, for example, Christmas - when a new cycle began, coinciding with the movement of the Sun, or rather Light. On December 22, the day begins to lengthen and the night to shorten. The winter solstice lasts for three days. Notice how it coincides with Christmas, and if our Orthodox Church switched to the calendar used by all of us, it would not be necessary to celebrate Christmas in the old style on January 7. On March 22, Paski days were celebrated, it is written through "K", and many grandmothers used to say that, and painted eggs according to their faith, and put beekeepers on the window to check the time, and therefore they always built houses with windows facing east, and streets in cities, and much more. The whole life from planting to harvesting went according to epiphanies.
The alphabet was also taught by images. They kept "images" in the house, everyone had their own place, some met the morning in the bedroom, and some at the door, before leaving, took "images" with them on the road. A very interesting image of the "Forohrest", they took with them as a talisman and an assistant on the road, with him you will not burn in the fire and you will not drown in the water. The name of the famous navigator Christopher is not connected with the "forohrest".. (a topic for reflection).
Of all the images, a Container is formed - the "interpretation of the casings".. container.

Of course, all the most valuable things are in the knowledge that we need today.
And you will be surprised that all this knowledge has not gone anywhere, as it is imprinted in our language and in our traditions.
We analyze the "images".
"Spinning of life" - fate spins the thread of life for us, it can be interrupted, and then a person appears for judgment, and "Sudyasudba" shows us how we will pass it along the thread.
Our ancestors believed in reincarnation, that we return to earth many times, helping each other to pass all the tests, solve all the problems, and our FAMILY plays an important role here.
It is to the judgment of a kind that a person first gets after death, climbing up a thread, being responsible for his deeds both to the "Motherland" and to the "Fatherland".
Now, if you pay attention to the icons of the Mother of God, you will see in the left corner of the MR, at all, veiled or explicitly, but at all. And has anyone ever wondered why there are so many images of the Mother of God, and why Russians stood under her "miraculous" images when our homeland was in danger? I dare to make my guess: each city, region, region painted its Mother of God, or rather, according to the old faith, its "Mother Motherland", and therefore wrote abbreviated MR in the left corner, she is the defender of the lands and the people inhabiting this land. "Otcheotechetvo" is power, it is order, standing up for the Fatherland, we stand up for our way of life.
Perhaps here lies the answer to the opinion that all soldiers, and after all they stand up for their homeland, go to heaven. (subject for reflection)
"On the floor" above - "The Queen of Heaven - Chresto Yin" and "The King of Heaven - Chresto Yang", such expressions have remained in our language, and we do not know where they came from. This is the real paganism. We don't even realize how much information our language carries.
How did the "images" survive to our times, if people were threatened with hard labor and even the death penalty for their storage? Icons were painted, signed, slightly changing the images to the ones needed by the authorities, so we see such a variety of icons today, unaware of their true history.
Times change, and religions also change with time. In no case should we contrast this information with other knowledge, other religions, start a witch hunt, accuse someone. Perhaps, for some time, the "rules of the game" were changed for us, some knowledge was hidden, "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable." Someone continued to know about the power of the Family and use it in life, respecting their ancestors, someone went astray, laughing at their ideals. But just today and "faith in God",and "the heritage of our ancestors with their ideals" has been included in our Constitution, so this task has been set for us in the near future, we will study, we will take the acquired knowledge into service in order to live life correctly and restore the right order on our land. Russian Russian World, like the Russian language, carries a code given by God, and it cannot be destroyed just like that. (subject for reflection)

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