

Most Hindus believe in a universal God who is simultaneously inside every living being and who can be approached in various ways. In Hindu understanding, the supreme being can be worshipped in countless forms – in the form of Krishna as a beautiful youth or an omnipotent ruler, in the form of a lion-man, in the form of a beautiful girl, or even in the form of a shapeless stone. The Supreme being can manifest as statues in temples or as living gurus and saints.
Hinduism is a monotheistic religion whose followers believe that God manifests Himself in various guises. A person can worship the one of the hypostases of God that is closest to him, while respecting other forms of worship.

Human goals

The classical philosophy of Hinduism describes two main life dharmas (life duties) of a person: grihastha-dharma and sannyasa-dharma. In the grihastha dharma, or the dharma of the family man, there are four main goals, called Purusharthi:

Artha — material well-being and success.
Kama — sensual pleasures.
Dharma is the right activity, the fulfillment of one's prescribed duty in accordance with the instructions of the scriptures.
Moksha is liberation from samsara.

it says:
It is better to fulfill one's own duty [dharma] imperfectly than to fulfill someone else's duty well.

Moksha (liberation)
Awareness of one's oneness with God
Realizing your eternal relationship with God and returning to His abode
Achieving Pure Love for God
Awareness of the unity of all being
Awareness of your true Self
Achieving perfect peace
Complete freedom from material desires

The cult of the Cat. The cult of the Monkey.

Different approach to life. A cat grabs its kitten during danger and takes it to a safe place, a monkey puts the cub on its back, and he himself must hold on tightly to survive.
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