Egyptian Hall.

This is not a tribute to the religions of ancient Egypt, but a tribute to this great civilization.
There is a pantheon of Egyptian gods on the wall, according to various sources there were from 700 to 2000 of them. Most of them are still heard.
In the hall there are columns in the form of lotus flowers. Initially, the lotus flower was an early and widespread emblem of the Sun. Subsequently, he began to personify the creative cosmic forces, as well as the spotless purity and spiritual perfection of the Lotus grows in the coastal mud and passes through the water column. Then it reaches the water surface and blooms. Similarly, a spiritual seeker rises from the dirt of worldly existence and, having passed purification, attains righteous behavior and spiritual knowledge.
Thus, the lotus symbolizes an enlightened mind. The water from which the lotus grows does not concern him, just as worldly temptations, delusions and illusions do not affect enlightened beings. The lotus has been associated with the supreme power since ancient times, was a symbol of Upper Egypt, and the scepter of the Egyptian pharaohs was made in the form of a lotus flower on a long stem.
Both the columns and the hall itself are decorated with mosaics. Ildar Khanov developed sketches, but did not manage to bring them to life. Now, according to his ideas, Ilgiz Khanov has embodied - a stained glass window was assembled, the entrances and exits from the hall were laid out with mosaics, the author's sketches in the Egyptian style were transferred to white columns. They painted the walls, where the gods of Egypt are represented and the ceiling with the Goddess Nekhbet (the bird is a bald owl), the ceiling is painted in the same way as in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow).
Images of numerous deities found in ancient Egyptian monumental structures caused a number of serious disagreements about the religion of the first inhabitants. The religion of ancient Egypt, at first glance polytheistic, was actually monotheism, and, like all great religious teachings, came from above, from Outer Space. Nowadays, scientists have come to the agreed conclusion that the numerous deities of the Egyptian temples should be considered intermediaries or embodiments of a Supreme Being, a single God worshipped by priests, initiates and sages, the nobility and the upper strata of society. At the top of the Egyptian pantheon sits the one God, immortal, eternal, invisible and hidden in the unfathomable depths of his essence. He generates himself in the infinity of the universe and contains all the attributes of divinity. In Egypt, they worshipped not a multitude of gods, but on the contrary, under the name of some deity - a secret God who had neither a name nor an image; the dominant idea was the one from the beginning
Египетские жрецы определяли его так: "Тот, кто существует сам по себе; Первопричина всякой жизни; Отец отцов; Мать матерей". Они говорили также: "Из него проистекает сущность всех других богов", "По его воле светит солнце, земля отделена от неба и гармония царит в его творении". В легендарных сочинениях бога Тота, впервые описываются эти абсолютные атрибуты. В проявленном виде, как самовозникающий и самооплодотворяющий себя Атум, он выступает как отец всего проявленного, зачинатель всех богов и стихий Вселенной.
The Egyptian priests defined him as: "The one who exists by himself; the first cause of all life; the Father of fathers; the Mother of mothers." They also said: "The essence of all other gods flows from him," "By his will the sun shines, the earth is separated from the sky and harmony reigns in his creation." In the legendary writings of the god Thoth, these absolute attributes are described for the first time. In the manifested form, as a self-arising and self-fertilizing Atum, he acts as the father of everything manifested, the originator of all the gods and elements of the Universe.
To make it easier for the people to believe in one God, the priests expressed his attributes and his various incarnations in the form of sensory representations. One of the most perfect images of God was represented in the form of the sun with its main characteristics: shape, light, heat. The soul of the sun was called Amon, or Amon-Ra, which means "hidden sun". God is the father of life, and all other deities are just components of his body. Here we can talk about the famous Egyptian triad.
The apostles of this ancient theology even claimed that the supreme Being — the creator of the universe — if one in his essence, then not one in his incarnation. He does not need to go out of himself to be fruitful, and he generates himself in himself: he is simultaneously the Father, Mother and Son of God, without leaving God. These three entities are "God in God" and, without sharing the divine nature, they all three strive for infinite perfection. The Father represents the creative force, and the Son — the repetition of the Father — confirms and expresses his eternal attributes. The fact of such a perfect understanding of the structure of the Universe confirms both the direct transfer of spiritual knowledge from above from the Hierarchy, and the advanced capabilities of the Egyptians, who in their mystical experience see these highest spiritual spheres.
Each Egyptian province had its own triad of closely related deities, and this did not violate the divine unity, just as the division of Egypt into provinces did not violate the unity of the central government. The most important triad, or the great triad of Abydos, consisted of Osiris, Isis and Horus. This triad was the most ancient, popular and revered in all of Egypt, since Osiris was the embodiment of Goodness; he was usually called the "good God". Ptah, Sekhmet, and Nefertum made up the Memphis triad; Amon, Mut, and Khonsu made up the Theban triad. The Trinity, however, is not the only dogma preserved in Egypt from the original revelations.
The so-called Ennead in Greek – the Great Nine of the Universal Primeval Gods appeared in Egypt in the prehistoric period, but shone in all its greatness during the V Heliopolis dynasty.
The sacred texts "Pyramid Texts", "Sarcophagus Texts", "Book of the Dead", the writings of the god Thoth, affirm the immortality of the human soul, its reincarnation in carnal incarnations. Belief in the law of Evolution, causality in the universe, or in other words, in the divine laws was affirmed in the daily life of the Egyptians. As a result of doing good deeds and right thoughts, desires, after death, a person secured for himself the next higher birth in the divine world. If the good was not enough, then the soul was sent after death to suffer in the lower worlds.
Only after realizing the accumulated result of previous accumulations, she climbed up and improved. The posthumous scenes of the soul's journey, the events that happened to it, the gods and the light spirits accompanying the soul were described very realistically. The soul was depicted in the form of a bird of immortality, with two balls - symbols of immortality in the claws. The face of each soul had to have a portrait resemblance to the face of her body. The most famous of these birds is the soul of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, exhibited together with other finds from his tomb. The Egyptians believed that the soul comes from the heart, and this symbol lay on the chest of the deceased pharaoh.
Each change of the dynasty was accompanied by an increase in monotheism, which ensured the Supreme Single Being of the Universe dominion over its forms and incarnations. And in our visible world, in different conditions, these incarnations had different forms and helped as visible and easily achievable intermediaries of the One. At the same time, there were no opposites, and the worldview system accepted both the infinity and the unlimited nature of the Universe, and the unified nature of its information. That is, God is Everything, and the creator of everything, we are part of him and, according to the law of Evolution, strive for him in visible and invisible forms. For the ancient Egyptians, the development of the technical and spiritual capabilities of civilization represented a single undivided process of evolution.
It is generally believed that the spiritual achievements of the Egyptians provided them with a high development of technical knowledge. This, in turn, was the reason for the dominance of this culture in the ancient period of our civilization. Until the beginning of the new era, the country was considered by the contemporaries of other peoples to be the main and strongest state of the ancient world. The understanding of the nature of being, the possibilities of man and his tasks on earth, as preserved by the priests, earned the respect and acceptance of the Babylonians, Greeks, Zoroastrians, Semites, Nubians. During the prehistoric and ancient kingdom, the superiority of the Egyptians over other peoples was expressed in the understanding that the Nile Valley is the central place of the planet and civilization here has a special significance for the entire Cosmos.
The people of the ancient Egyptian period had great spiritual opportunities for development, because all people were considered immortal souls and could reach a spiritual state. The most beautiful methods of perfection created during that period assumed spiritual practice in the form of meditations with saturation of one's spiritual body with cosmic energies of various aspects. Physical exercises were used as in yoga, reading texts with spiritual formulas-mantras that help open channels and adjust consciousness to the perception of subtle spheres. Spiritual healing in temples and palaces was practiced so widely and everywhere that surgery and medicines were used extremely rarely. It was known the subtle structure of man, the presence of active points-centers through which spiritual work was carried out. Pharaohs, nobles and priests necessarily practiced working with cosmic channels during public actions and divine ceremonies.
Such regular pumping kept the leadership of the state in constant working order and guaranteed the right decisions. Appointments to important posts were made based on the spiritual strength of a person.
The priests and rulers developed the practice of traveling in the subtle body, dreaming, clairvoyance and telepathy. First of all, thanks to these advantages, they have gone far ahead in their development, and even today we cannot yet reach their heights.
Akhenaten's religious reform was preceded by the reform of Menes, and long before him by Osiris (V millennium BC). Some historians believe that the radical progress of religion and the formation of cosmogonic rituals and practices occurred in the era of Osiris — the legendary Theban king (approximately 4200 BC), the most mysterious and divine of all rulers, under which monotheism was universally approved.
The same Osiris will lead the supreme judgment over the souls of the dead, and patronize them in the spiritual worlds. According to the ritual of "psychostasis" (literally: weighing the soul) — the ceremony of the last judgment over the deceased — the soul after the death of the body was transported on a sacred boat on the waters of the Champs Elysees. Along the way, the boat illuminated the places where the incarnations of the damned souls stayed, and they joyfully gesticulated at the sight of the hitherto forbidden light shining on them. The boat continued on its way, and after crossing a brighter place, which to some extent corresponds to our idea of purgatory, it approached the supreme court, headed by Osiris with his forty-two judges. The heart of the deceased was placed on one scale, on the other lay a feather — a symbol of the goddess of Universal law Maat.
If the deceased has done more good than evil, he becomes a "righteous man" and became part of the cosmic spiritual body of the god Osiris; otherwise, his heart was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile and the body of a hippopotamus and he lost all hope of a subsequent incarnation. And the "righteous" could get to Yalu, that is, to the Champs Elysees. In this regard, the question may arise: why were so many everyday objects found in pyramids and tombs? The answer is simple: the cornerstone of the religion of the ancient Egyptians was the belief that human life is eternal, even after physical death.
The man of Egypt in ancient times owned his consciousness, harmoniously interacted with the outside world and lived happily. Religion, as we know, is a connection with God, and we can affirmatively conclude that this connection was very strong.
In ceremonies and practices, some devices were also used to enhance the energy potential. In particular, the most powerful individual attributes were
Wands of Power that help to link the subtle channels of a person into a holistic system and strengthen it. The principle of operation is based on the knowledge of the Egyptians about the solar and lunar channels - the flows of vital energy of the body. Two rods were made of copper and tin, white and yellow metals, and filled with the sacred sand of Shaon.
The sacred amulet The All-seeing Eye of the Choir was used for subtle types of protection and obtaining information, for prediction and clairvoyance. Later, the amulet was borrowed by Masons who worked at construction sites in Egypt.
The sacred amulet The Key of Immortality Ankh was needed as a powerful protection of the soul and strengthening of its potential, as a converter of the subtle energy of the Universe of its various aspects. Ankh is an indispensable attribute of the deities of the pantheon, as a symbol of their immortality. Ancient frescoes often depict the transfer of spiritual power from various gods to the Pharaoh through the transmission of Ankh. Also, the Aura of immortality is depicted as a ring of Ankh Keys around the pharaoh's body.
The sacred sand – Shaon was used as an indispensable attribute when laying temples and buildings, during festive rituals, for cleansing and harmonizing the space in which the sacrament was then performed. It was also kept in houses for purification and protection, worn in pouches on the body as a protective amulet.
The unique in its kind and extant Teaching about the unity of the human structure and the Universe of the Egyptians is like the most outstanding achievements of secret knowledge that came from the East. Many religious traditions of our time take their origins from this ancient teaching, which had a cosmic origin. Reflected in the monuments, it is a philosophical artifact, without any doubt, indicating the moral and ethical message that once existed, transmitted to humanity by the hierarchical system of life of the Universe. In fact, this Knowledge is a moral and ethical law of the Universe, the observance or violation of which determines the vector of development of any civilization.
The "great nine of the Gods", which has come down from the depths of millennia to the present day, was the basis of the teaching, the meaning of which went back to the structure of the universe. This is the foundation of the Heliopolis Pantheon, the oldest in Egypt - the scientific and ideological paradigm of the ancient Egyptian priests. To understand the meaning of this teaching, one must turn to ancient texts. The world of "gods", like everything in the universe, has a threefold nature. Bringing into the world the idea of the divine origin of man, the only idea designed and capable of perfecting the world, which originated from a Single entity, the projection of which is each person, the priests passed on the following knowledge to generations of disciples. Man is created in the image and likeness of the Creator. Being his projection in the material world, man is arranged in the same way as the Universe is arranged, which is the body of the Creator, with the entities and "gods" inhabiting it.
The nine great "gods" who created the universe are: the nine energy bodies of the Creator of the Universe. Possessing different qualities, each of the energy bodies (hypostases of God) participates in the formation of the energy structure of both spiritual beings and man. The same nine great "gods" are: nine human energy bodies. Each human energy body is a projection of one of the nine energy bodies of the Creator of the Universe and contains thin matrices of the main vital systems of the human body. In the Egyptian myth "about Creation" there is a direct indication of this:
"... at the Beginning of the Beginning there was nothing — only an infinite, motionless, immersed in darkness Nun (Ocean of primordial energy). Nun contained the germs [of the matrix] of all things, all creatures...".
Man, his energy structure and his body, being the focal point of refraction of the streams of the Creator's nine energy bodies, were created due to the interaction of two all-forming streams of spiritual energy "KA" and "BA". Each of the nine energy bodies of the Universe and man are also formed by the same energy flows. Everything in the world is subject to this principle and is formed by the interaction of energy flows "KA-BA". Ka and Ba are also the spiritual power of a person, the energies of his soul that continue to exist after his death. They can be separated from the body and move freely in time and space. These immortal energies were depicted as a bird with a human head. Sacred animals or other gods often acted as Ba gods.
The Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul, starting from the most ancient prehistoric times of the great civilization. Pyramids, scales and tombs in different valleys were built to house the souls of the dead in them. Ka is the spirit of the universe, or a spiritual substance that animates any entity. The body is for the earth, the soul is for the sky, and human nature is identified with consciousness. After earthly death, the soul flies over the body — this is its Ka — until the soul is transformed into an astral spirit, and both Ka and Ba (the divine "spark" is one of the spiritual characteristics of this individual) are connected by the thread of Osiris with the higher mind to enter into a single Spirit. Numerous frescoes depicting the immortality of the soul and other religious subjects were discovered in the temples and palaces of the pharaohs. All funeral temples and tombs are painted with scenes of eternal afterlife, hence their name — "houses of eternity".
The cross with a loop - the key of immortality "Ankh" also symbolized the future life with its three attributes: peace, bliss and happiness.
The nine human energy bodies are similar projections of the nine energy bodies of the Creator of the Universe and are inextricably linked with the Universe. That is why the priests understood the "Heliopolis Ennead" as the nine energy bodies of the Universe and man. These 9 "primordial gods", although they describe the categories of the Macrocosm, are presented to facilitate understanding in the image of humans. A person and his energy structure consists of 7 main energy bodies inside his aura and two more bodies-levels above the aura, from a Single indivisible body of the Universe.
The universe and Man, the macrocosm and the microcosm, have a similar structure. A person, his energy bodies and physical shell are formed as a result of the interaction of the nine energy planes (bodies of the Creator) of the Universe. Man and his energy structure are the focal point of refraction of the energy flows of the Universe. All the energy bodies of the Universe are the Creator's body.
Having a structure similar to the Universe, each person is a source of energy connected directly with God, who is the source of all knowledge and energies. Different names of God, different forms of manifestation of his powers, nevertheless, are united in their source. Therefore, every person is a part of God. Through each person, God observes the world. In the various forms of the gods, we first of all reveal ourselves. The Egyptians were among the first people to understand this simple truth.
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