СFrom the point of view of the doctrine, the universe has no beginning and no end, which means it was not created by anyone. However, in many schools of Buddhism, especially in Vajrayana, there is a whole pantheon of deities. They are also found in Mahayana, Hinayana, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Tantric practices.
At the same time, such deities are closer to people than to God in the usual sense – they, like us, are subject to desires, passions, know what karma is, and are trying to escape from a series of rebirths.
For example, they sit on different thrones, Akshobya Buddha sits on a throne that is on elephants. They also have different hand gestures, which also show which Buddha is in front of us. Akshobya Buddha with a gesture of touching the ground, which also shows that he is very stable. And his name means "Unshakable."
Buddha Ratnasambhava, he sits on a throne that is on horseback. The horse symbolizes wealth and nobility, and his hand is in a gesture of generosity.
6 Buddhas, because in the mantra OM MANI PEME HUNG there are 6 syllables, and they are connected with 6 spheres,
Buddhism came to China from India almost two millennia ago. And in China, Buddhism met dragons. In China, dragons have long symbolized strength, creativity, heaven and luck. It is believed that they have power over reservoirs, rains, floods and storms.
Today, dragons adorn the roofs and gates of temples as guardians, and symbolize strength and enlightenment.
Tibetan dragons are the protectors of Buddhism, whose thunderous voices awaken us from delusion.
Unlike its demonic European counterpart, the Tibetan dragon is a creation of great creative power, a positive sign representing a strong male yang, energy changes, wealth and creativity.
There is a Buddha — a completely Enlightened, omniscient being who has reached spiritual heights naturally through the development of the mind and heart in a long sequence of births (samsara). The main of these peaks are Enlightenment (bodhi) and Tranquility (nirvana), which mark the final Liberation (moksha) and the achievement of the highest goal of spiritual aspirations in Indian and other Eastern cultures, which is not available to either gods or saints of other religions.
You are assured: "Seek refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha." And I'm telling you: "Seek refuge in yourself." Buddha is inside you, because Buddha means awakened, and awakening can only happen from within. Dharma is within you, for Dharma means righteousness, and righteousness you can only find in yourself. And the Sangha is inside you, because the Sangha is purity, and you can only find purity in yourself.