Ecumenical Temple

The International Cultural Center of Spiritual Unity

Temple of All Religions

Creative workshop of the Khanov brothers

16 domes as a symbol of 16 religions

Photos from the Temple of All Religions

Today, the work of Ildar Khanov is continued by his brother Ilgiz Khanov, a talented artist, a famous icon painter

Children's activities are held

See the exhibition of Asi Glebova dolls

"Temple of Unity of Souls" -
a place of strength of multinational Russia
We are strong as a family, our small or large homeland, community of interests, the memory of our ancestors, each religion creates its own circle of like-minded people, its spiritual family, in the Temple these families find themselves on the same platform, peacefully coexisting as good neighbors.
Any religion is first of all a proclamation of universal values, our cultural code, preserved for centuries, is a storehouse of knowledge about the family, about the structure of a healthy society.
The events taking place in the world today have made us all think about the responsibility for preserving our cultural values, for our Russian world. The Western countries are striving with particular zeal today to destroy the common home of the multinational family of the Russian peoples, to belittle the importance of traditional spiritual and moral guidelines as the basis of cultural, spiritual, political and, ultimately, state sovereignty.
The International Cultural Center of Spiritual Unity is a unique platform for communication between people of different faiths, for discussing friendship issues, studying the common values of religions, their history, holidays, for cooperation of organizations, strengthening interethnic ties, as well as for educating young people who are undecided in choosing a religion that suits their beliefs.
The year 2022 has been declared the year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, and the Temple of All Religions in Kazan is a vivid example of folk art, collective work of people for the past 30 years. Our task is to preserve the heritage and give it a new development using modern means.

Materials for tolerance lessons

Урок толерантности
Скульптура "Хранительница" как символ охраны общечеловеческих ценностей
Скульптура "Хранительница", которая может появиться в Парке Мира, Добра, Гармонии на берегу Волги возле Храма всех религий - прекрасный символ охраны общечеловеческих ценностей, наших традиционных духовно-нравственных ценностей.
Работы Даши Намдакова известны и любимы во всем мире, молодежь не только Казани, но и всей России, восхищается его знаменитой Чашей (ЗАГС), ставшей достопримечательностью Казани, примером многообразия сотрудничества народов нашей многонациональной Родины.
Появление "Олицетворения матери - защитницы, хранительницы своей земли" необходимо сегодня как оберега, как талисмана для защиты нашего большого дома - "русского мира" от натиска врагов с их извращенными ценностями .
Уверены, что молчаливо кричащая "барсиха" с поднятыми, как знамена, крыльями, установленная в Парке Мира, Добра, Гармонии станет новой точкой притяжения внимания молодежи.
храм всех религий, экскурсия, казань, виртуальная экскурсия, урок толерантности, религии, духовно-нравственные ценности
We invite you on excursions
Пешеходная экскурсия по Казани
По храму всех религий
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